Wednesday, October 9, 2013

We're all Different

*If you're new here, I'm blogging 31 days of things I learned at the Influence Conference just a few weeks ago. I hope you'll stick around for the rest*

One thing I really enjoyed about going to the Influence Conference, is that I was surrounded by women who were different from me.  They were different in so many ways and it was amazing to see.  They were married, single, working out of the home, working in the home, business owners, from the south, from the west coast, creative, etc.  This was really good for me to see for a few reasons.

I don't fit in at my church.  I didn't really realize it until I've process all the stuff, but I just don't fit in at my church. This is ok and not a problem within my church.  I'm just different. I don't have a garden, not homeschooling (at least, not yet), I work outside of the home, I feed my family (and often like) a lot of processed foods, and I'm pretty sure I have different opinions on most social issues.  It really doesn't cause problems because the leadership has done a wonderful job at "keeping the main thing, the main thing".  They don't preach on the above topics, they preach Jesus. And it's awesome!

It should be noted that no one has ever made me feel like I don't belong. I do that. I think "Oh, all these women love Jesus, and they I guess I should do that too." This is not wild and free like I talked about before.  This is slavery and bondage. Constant comparing.  I really want to reiterate, not one person has said or done anything to make me feel this way.  When I talk about working outside of the home, I don't get judging looks or advice from them. I get grace. They come along side me (in my differences) and love me. That's beautiful.

So anyway, it was really great for me to see all these women who love the Lord and they all look different.  It really helped me to see that while I am different, that difference does not mean worse or less than. It just means different. I can work outside the home, eat Mcdonald's, watch Modern Family, and still love Jesus. Those things don't define me, and they don't make my love for the Lord and less.

So I'm going to be me. I'm going to fix my eyes on Jesus, not on everyone else.


  1. I think we need that kind of diversity. I bet that group learns a lot from you that they would be missing out on if they didn't have that different perspective! You must attract the crunchies because you found me ;) I am not that natural though, we eat/like WAY too much processed food and my boys were circumcised lol!

    1. Yes, I agree that diversity is good :) Haha, you are crunchy aren't you :) I think I gravitate towards them because I want to be like that, but I'm just sorta crunchy :) And I'm learning to be ok with that!

  2. If it makes you feel any better I don't garden (no desire too, too lazy for all that haha!), I have 0 plans on homeschooling and Nick is attending public school at that (gasp!), I feed my family non-organic stuff and we eat out far more than I would like but again, the laziness and love of eating out plays a big role :-) Oh and we watch modern family too ;-) I have a difficult time not comparing to but I constantly remind myself whose standards matter? Is it God's standard or societies/friends/social group/church friends/etc.? I think all that matters is we love and obey the Lord, submit and help our husbands and love our children whole heartedly. I am so blessed to has a husband that cares strongly about the same things I do while on the same hand lets so much stuff slide and doesn't care if we eat out and dont have a fridge of home picked produce.

    1. Yes Lauren! I knew I liked you for a reason :) We are kindred spirits, huh :) And I totally agree with you on what really matters :)

  3. I also promise I am not as illiterate as that comment makes me sound...I am so blessed to HAVE not has a husband...geesh I need more sleep :-)

  4. You're not really different, I don't garden, I work, my kids are in public school, and they LOVE processed foods. But I LOVE Jesus! :)

    1. We're so alike LouAnn :) Must be why I like to be around you so much :) and the "love Jesus" part!

  5. I hear you on this! This is my struggle at thinking "well, they love Jesus and must be a better mom because they stay home and cook every night and I'm sure they don't have piles of laundry like me" good thing we have Jesus to cling to


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