Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy Easter!

This Easter we had the most low key and relaxing Easter. It was really wonderful. We woke up and read the story of the resurrection guess it. Our Jesus Storybook Bible.  After we read the account we made a little resurrection craft.  I saw this from the ladies at When You Rise.  I first had Inara color a picture of Jesus when he wasn't on the cross.  After that I just cut a hold in the side of our kleenex box.  We crumpled up some newspaper for our "stone". We put out colored picture of Jesus in the tomb and then put the stone over it.

The stone over the tomb opening

We told Inara that after the put him in the tomb, all his friends would have gone home to get some sleep. So I sent her and Justin in the living room to pretend to sleep. When they were gone, I took Jesus out and set him aside. Inara came back the stone was "rolled away" and she looked for Jesus.  I asked her what was in the tomb. She first responded "Jesus is". But then when she looked...he wasn't there. She was actually surprised and started look around for him. It was fun to pull out her colored picture of Jesus and remind her that he is NOT in the tomb, because Jesus isn't dead...he is ALIVE!

Then after Inara's nap we made some resurrection rolls. I had never made these before, but they seemed pretty cool. I found some examples here, here, and here and combined recipes and also ways to tell the story.

Helping her dip the marshmallows 

She was more interested in being naked and just eating the marshmallows

All cooked and ready

The empty tomb!

We had a good time. It was a low key relaxing day. But it did seem to be lacking in celebratory things.  Next year I think we need to do a better job of making it fun AND learning about Easter. You live and learn right? 


  1. Those look so delicious! I love that she was really surprised - it's a great idea.

  2. They were VERY yummy! I'll probably make them again before next easter :)


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