Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Love is...

So with Valentine's Day around the corner, I have been doing some thinking.  Justin and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. Not because we think its evil, but because I dunno... we try to make showing our love for each other something we do through out the year.  And candy and flowers (while nice) is not love. Love works hard, love pays the bills, love takes care of you when you are sick etc.

But while thinking about VD and what to do with Inara, I remembered reading this post by Mark Driscoll around Christmas time.  We wanted to redeem Christmas, and after talking with Justin that's what we will be doing to with VD.  When we did the Truth in the Tinsel with Inara it was super great!  Inara loved making the ornaments. She has remembered some of the stories that go with the ornaments and has talked about it a lot lately.

Soooo, Justin and I sat down tonight to get some ideas and I am SUPER DUPER excited. We really wanted to show Inara what TRUE love is. So we went to scripture to 1 Corinthians 13.  Coincidentally there are 15 qualities of what love is/does. So every day from now until February 16th (when we will have our family Valentine's Day party), we will read some scripture and make a little craft. And I'll be writing the full verse out a big piece of poster board today.  I am super excited for the verses we picked out and some of the crafts we are without further adieu....


Psalm 145:8- The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.

I seriously just drew some hearts on a paper, we colored, and TRIED to add some other stuff...but I honestly just don't have a lot of crafty stuff

Inara coloring the heart

Inara really liked "hanging" the ornaments at Christmas,
so we are hanging our crafts on our door. *Please
disregard the hideous fountain in the back yard*

Inara (like us all) has a problem being patient when she gets frustrated with someone/something. She will hit said person, or throw object of frustration.  We just talked about what being patient is, how God is patient towards us, and how she can grow in patience.  PRAY! She has since walked around all morning saying "Love is patient"....its awesome!

I am really excited about doing this with her and sharing more of Christ with her. I already have the days/crafts planned out, so if you are interested let me know and I'll email you the list.  So how will you redeem Valentine's Day? Even if you don't have kiddos, just think about it. What is love? TRUE love?


  1. This is awesome!!! I want to do this!!!

    1. I sent you an email, let me know if you didn't get it!

  2. I "ditto" Niki.

    1. I sent you an email last night, let me know if you didn't get it!

  3. that is so fun! ps. i read "But while thinking about VD..." to be "but while I was thinking about venereal disease..." which is terrible and hopefully has nothing to do with anyone's valentine's day. i hope you have so much sweet time teaching and celebrating with your babe true things about love & Jesus!

  4. JEN! That is seriously hilarious! I actually thought about that, but then was like " one will notice" :)


I would love to hear what you think!

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