Friday, November 27, 2009

So advanced!

Wow, these past couple days have been awesome! Today I walked into the NICU with my friend Katie to find Inara with her oxygen off and looking like a baby! I wasn't really sure what it was but something was different about her, she looked like a baby and not like a little old man. :) It was so great to see her little face cleared up a little more with her oxygen gone. Also she gets to be moved to St. Elizabeth which is SUCH a huge blessing. Since it is significantly closer, that means we get to see her more often and it means she is getting better and doesn't need to be in the NICU anymore! YAY!

Justin and I went up to see her this evening. Her Aunt Becky got to see her for the 1st time. I was really glad she was able to meet her. Right before we left, the night shift nurse gave us even MORE good news. She is up to her birth weight of 3lbs 1 oz.

I so wish Inara could have stayed in my womb a little longer and I could have gone through a "normal" pregnancy and delivery. But I would be a wretch and a brat to be ANYTHING but grateful to Jesus Christ for how He continually amazes us with His power and might!


  1. Hey Lauren! Just letting you know that I have been praying for you and your little precious baby. I know how hard it can be to have to leave your baby and go home empty handed. But, she is in good hands and I know you know that :). Also, kudos for pumping! I know pumping sucks. So, good job!

  2. Love the picture of Daddy Justin and Inara snuggling. So glad that God has blessed you as a family. Like many of us, families occur at the most humanly unexpected times. All three of you are in our prayers. Although it is hard to not have Inara home, take great care of yourselves so you will be rested and ready for on duty parenting at home.


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