Then I really wanted to find a bible study I could read more consistently on a daily basis. I found "Meet Jesus" by Katie Orr and Lara Williams. I've been doing it for a couple weeks and I really like it. Its a study through the book of John. I think it would be considered and inductive bible study. Whatever it is...I like it!
Some ladies in my small group are meeting weekly this summer and going through "The Excellent Wife". And although I can't meet with them I did want to re-read this wonderful book. This book is super wonderful and a GREAT encouraging book for a newly wed or older married woman. I wish I had read this right when we got married. I know it would have been so helpful to learn the joy of submission and honoring your husband!
I started reading "Give them Grace" when Inara was about 2. It sounded really wonderful but I felt that it wasn't really applicable for such a young toddler. But now that Inara is older I've been interested on how do you teach you child to obey the rules without making them a little pharisee and teaching them about Jesus and grace. So I decided to pick this one up again and start over. So far its good. I have only read 1 chapter, but I have heard so many great things about it. I am hoping it doesn't disappoint.
With Shepherd starting foods, I have been interested in "Baby-Led Weaning" and I finally checked it out from the library. I have really only given him carrots once, cereal once, and apples once. Part of me thinks this sounds like an interesting way to introduce solids to your babe. But then the other part of me (the one that doesn't want to give my child chest thrusts) thinks it sounds bonkers and crazy. So who knows? I think it will be good to read it with no biases either way.
I also have been having a hard time getting used to my new body after birthing and nursing 2 babies. (Hopefully a post on that later). In college I read "Authentic Beauty" and I remembered it being pretty good. So I figured that would be a good place to start. After a few chapters, I would say it seems to be written to single women. That being said the core message is the same: God loves and cherishes you. Even though I am married this is still a OH SO important truth for me to remember.
Phew! That's a long list :) Also Catching Fire is coming out in November so I'll definitely want to re-read the Hunger Games Trilogy before that too. I hope I have time to squeeze all this in! I'd love to know what you are reading!

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