Dear sweet big-sister Inara,
Where do I start on how sweet you are? I guess I'll start with how it is so wonderful and a huge blessing to see you love you new baby brother so much. You are such a little momma. You always want to check on him, shower him with kisses, and help with everything. You really love to help with his baths and diaper changes. The way you genuinely care for him is so sweet to watch. You have asked a few times if we get to keep him forever and you always make sure he gets to come along with us.
Not only do you love your baby brother, but the way you care for others is so amazing. You ask Dad how his day at work was, how Pawpaw if feeling, and you even ask us if we like our food when we eat together. Its so sweet to have you climb up on my lap and snuggle. You and Dad have become quite close over the past few months. He love you so much Inara. I hope you see our love for you as a small model of the way Jesus loves you.
You are learning so much about God and Jesus. Its super fun to teach you things and you remember them so well. Its been amazing to see you use God's word to not be scared of a storm, a bad dream, and even to correct me sometimes.
Speaking of correcting...oh girlie we think you might be a little lawyer when you grow up. You constantly challenge/argue with us. MOST of the time it isn't in a disobedient way, but rather you are finding "evidence" to "prove your case". I pray God will mold this trait of yours into a woman who can stand up for the truth and for those who can't stand up for themselves.
Sweet baby girl, I am so thankful God has let me be your mommy. I can't wait to see how your sweet disposition, tender heart, and sense of order/rightness come together as you get old.
I love you so much,

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