Saturday, December 3, 2011

Advent Day 2 & 3

We didn't make our ornament yesterday because we were super busy and we were only home in the morning before work.

So here is our crown ornament for Day 2:

Here is our Zechariah ornament for Day 3:

We had to improvise wtih a lot of the materials but I want stressed out because the point isn't to make a perfect ornament it us to celebrate Advent.  And making these ornaments where much like making of our first one. This time we read the scripture first and that seemed to hold her attention more. It was really awesome to make a crown with her and explain how Jesus is King. I love that our tree holding our ornaments is in the living room and she sees them all day. She has already pointed to it a few times and said "what's that". Then I get to explain to her all over again what it is :) So multiple teaching opportunities all day long!

Ps, do you know what advent means? I didn't until just recently. The word Advent comes from the latin word adventus meaning arrival or coming.  I am excited to spend the next 3 weeks celebrating the arrival of our Savior.  And folks, for real its not to late to start Truth in the Tinsel. She has alternate schedules for anyone.  You can read more about the book here.  And like I said before, you don't have to use her ebook, but it is a great tool to utilize!

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