Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Cup Runeth Over

So this is Inara with her favorite toy. A plastic cup. Its hilarious how much she loves this thing. I actually put her to bed with it last night. Her favorite toys are always the "non-toys", and her cup runeth over with toys and "non-toys".

But seriously, my cup does runeth over with joy. I have started going to a bible study my church offers, and it has been amazing! We are studying Philippians/colossians, and this week has been especially impactful. Our memore verse is phil. 3:7- but whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. I feel like for the first time in my walk with the LORD this verse has meant so much more to me. Paul had to CHOOSE to pick Christ 1st! It didn't just happen. This week (with God's grace) I have decided to choose Him first and it has made a miraculous different. I have found joy when in the past I would have been discouraged.

Monday I had to work and found out Inara had a rough night at my parents and was continuing to have a rough day. I was so sad that financially I have to work and couldn't be there with her. I felt like a bad mom...I should be the one comforting her when she wasn't feeling well. But I thought of that verse. I WAS working, I COULDN'T change my situation and be at home, I CHOSE joy.  What good would it do to be sad the rest of the day? Instead God helped me "forget what is behind, and press on toward the goal"...glorifying God. He helped me do a good job with my patients, work hard, and still be loving and kind to them even though I longed to be home with my baby girl. God's word IS "living and active" and it is so good too!

Today has been great as well. I have had lots of opportunities to teach Inara about sharing, obeying, and not hitting. I have done a load of laundry, deep cleaned the kitchen, ate breakfast AND lunch, and even managed a shower...and before 4pm.  All while keeping my 2 favorite babies and ALL with God's help. I know it sounds funny that eating and showering is an accomplishment, but with 2 babies under 15 months it is quite a feat to not let my house get destroyed at the end of the day....ahhh parenthood :)

Inara reading a book in her chair

Messy girl!


  1. i just found your blog and i so needed to hear this today when i'm feeling like i don't want to be where i'm at. God is so good and I have so much to be thankful for and rejoice in. glad I stumbled here!

  2. Glad you stumbled here too. That's great thing about God's word it is good for every one. PS, I just ready like 20 posts of yours in a row :) I feel like I know you so much better now! :)Ha. Isn't that funny how blogs do that?


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