Thursday, June 13, 2013

My new wake up time

When I started my new job, I knew waking up at 5am would be hard. But what I didn't realize was how much harder not doing it every day would be!  Justin encouraged me to not sleep super late on my days off because that would make the days I got up for work even harder.  I blew him off because I mean really? I am soo not going to wake up at 5am every day. That is cray cray.

Last week the most wonderful thing happened, I got 6 days in a row off work. They were glorious days jammed packed with super fun things like spending time with my nieces and nephew and a trip to King's Island.  Oh and did I mention I slept until 9:30am at least 3 of those 6 days?  It was  Then Wednesday my alarm when off, I dragged my self out of bed, somehow got dressed and headed out the door. I made it through the day amazingly but I felt like death, and honestly I felt just as tired the today. I even needed a nap!

Also my house is a disaster. I know you are probably rolling your eyes, but seriously, think tornado and then a bomb explodes too.  I am tired, my house is a mess, I can barely find time to be with the Lord, and honestly sometimes its 1pm and I realize I haven't even eaten breakfast yet...oops!  I would like to exercise at least a little to be healthy but ain't nobody got time for that!  I have all these "ideas" of doing this bible reading plan, or this daily chore calendar, but honestly I just make it through the day. I roll out of bed when Shepherd or Inara wakes up and I just get through the day. Nothing is accomplished, I always feel behind on everything. I always have the best of intentions to meet with the Lord during Inara's room time, or nap time, or once the kids are in bed. But inevitably, those times come and go, and so does my opportunity to meet with my creator.

So...I've decided. Oh, crap. I don't even want to write it down because then someone might see this and ask me about it! Ok, here it it goes.  I am going to wake up at 5am...every day and even on weekends.  I am pretty terrified I'll fail, quit, or not even start. Honestly, I didn't even want to publish this because I am scared to commit.

But here's the deal. I need and want to do this..really.  A few years ago I did an online bible study through Inspired to Action.  Basically learning to wake up for your kids and not to them.  I realized I need to revisit this idea.  I am waking up when they wake up. I am tired and cranky, which leads to some really stellar parenting and super loving heart ready to pour into my kids life. Oh wait, no that's not how it goes at all.

I know for me waking up before the sun rises (puke!) means going to bed early(barf!). I know I need to do this now, but once the kids are in bed I just finally have "me" time.  I always think I'll do laundry, make a grocery list, or clean. But in reality I end up watching Netflix all evening.  So as a part of my waking up early, I'll be going to bed early too. I saw this quote and it nailed it for me:

"I love staying up late — the quiet, the lack of interruptions, the feeling that I get a couple of extra hours added to my day. The only problem is that I’m borrowing the quality from the next day." --Rachel from Small Notebook

This quote is so true. So instead of staying up later to get in my few hours of alone and quiet time. I am going to bed early, so I can have it in the morning and start my day off right. I am going to spend the weekend planning, making my motherhood mission statement, getting quick exercises I can do quietly, find my earphones so I can listen to my jams while I exercise, and praying....really praying.  I know I can't just will myself to be more disciplined. I need God's help.  Help to start, help to work hard, help to finish well, and help for when I fail.  

So, would you join me? I would love to have someone to text each morning and "check-in" with them.  Even if you aren't up at 5am, we could still hold each other accountable.  Anyone? Anyone?

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