Monday, May 27, 2013

Uses for coconut oil

I was at a local craft fairy thingy (real technical right, I know) and bought some homemade body scrub that used coconut oil as its base. I used it in the shower and it was amazing! At first I was kind of nervous because it seemed too oily and I kind of have oily skin. But once I got out of the shower, my face was so smooth all day long.  So I looked up how to remake it. Then I realized, ain't nobody got time for that, and I found other ways to use coconut oil.

It was amazing! You can use it for body products and it has lots of other health benefits.  So I went out and bought some. A big jar was actually on sale at Kroger so, score!  I have been using it to cook with. I don't really like the taste of coconut but you taste it all when you cook with it. Since I had been wanting more natural products all around, I scooped out some of it and put it in a container to keep in the bathroom. I use it as my moisturizer for my face and also as general body lotion.

I love, love, LOVE it as my moisturizer. At first I was pretty nervous because it is its oily.  I scrapped some of it in my had, rubbed it together, and applied it to my face/neck.  I started using it as my sole moisturizer and my skin responded amazingly. It was smooth (not oily) all day long and it really helped my complexion.  Even this winter I stopped using it (for some reason) and my skin freaked out and broke out everywhere.  Once I resumed using it my skin cleared up right away.  It works equally as well as a lotion for the rest of your body.  I put it on after I get our of the shower and my legs are so smooth all day long. It was perfect for those cold and dry months of the winter.

There are so many other uses too that I haven't tried yet, but I really want to.  Here are the uses for coconut oil that I want to try next:
  • I would love to make my own deodorant. I currently use men's deodorant because it seems like the only kind I can get that doesn't use aluminum.
  • I have not been using shampoo for almost a year (more on that later) and would love to try a natural conditioner. But I'll admit I am a little nervous because having curly hair, and I need conditioner for my hair
  • I also want to start adding it to the smoothies I have been making in the morning for us.  I have thyroid problems and coconut oil is apparently great for thyroid function
Have you tried coconut oil for anything? Did you like it?


  1. Funny you should mention this now... I read about no poo on your blog a while back and decided to give it a try. I've been shampoo free for 8 days now and my hair is extremely dry so I bought coconut oil to try to make it feel less like straw 4 days ago... I was amazed. Its the only thing keeping me from giving up on no poo. I didn't know you could use it for so many other things.... I love your blog Lauren. I get so many good ideas from it.


    1. I'm glad it worked for you. How is the no-poo going? Most people say its about 2 weeks of nastiness, but then its better :) Let me know how it works out!

  2. Its pretty nasty right now but i've been using corn starch to keep it from looking too greasy and coconut oil so that its not completely dry. I also did an egg yolk and lemon juice mixture I read about online for the oilyness. I feel like i've had half of my kitchen on my hair this past week lol. I'm going to stick it out a while longer and I'll let you know how it goes!


I would love to hear what you think!

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