Brother! I have debated on whether or not to write you letters just like your sister. I figure most dudes when they grow up probably don't care about mushy letters their momma's wrote. But I figure, your future wifey might like to know how you were as a kiddo. And if all else fails, these will be nice for me to have too :) So here it goes.
Baby boy, goodness gracious! I worried about not loving my second kid as much as my first, but this is sooooo far from the truth! I can't put into words the joy your big smiles gives me. My heart is so full of love from you, and all you do is eat, sleep, poop, and smile. You are just so sweet... for real. You smile at everyone, and I just can't stop kissing your chubby cheeks and neck.
From the moment they placed you in my arms, I loved you instantly. That love has gotten so much stronger over the past 4 months. Its hard to fathom, how as you grow up, somehow I will love you more. The only way I know this is true, is because I love your sister more and more each day. Speaking of your sister, she loves you so much. And it really seems like you do too. You already know her voice, she can calm you down even when we can't, and she loves to take care of you. I really pray your relationship continues to be as loving and sweet as it is now.
I can't believe you are so big already, and even though I will be so sad when you don't want to cuddle with me any more...I really can't wait to see your big grin when we are able to tell you about Jesus. Brother, he loves you so much. I pray you'll cling to him, how you cling to me now. Gosh, I really love you so much. Your smile melts my heart and your cries break my heart. Can't wait to see the man God will make you into.

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