Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today Inara had her 6 month check up for her eyes. Babies born less than 32 weeks are at risk for ROP. At around 2 months old she had a brief appointment and everything looked great, so the appointment today was a more extended exam. I was wondering how they were going to do an eye exam on a little baby, but they did it wasn't a big deal at all. She was such a trooper! They had to dilate her little eyes, so she had 3 sets of drops. I think it upset me more holding her down, than it did her. The doctor came in, the flashed some lights, checked her out and said "No glasses for this one". YAY! Although I was thinking how in the heck do you keep glasses on a 6 month old? She has to follow up in a year, but right now her eyes look great! I was so thankful. It was super funny too, because the assistant to the doctor said she was glad we came into the office today, so they could see a super cute baby. I know I have said this before, but I think she is just great! It is funny though, I frequently get strangers commenting on how "beautiful" she is. Even if no one ever did that...I still think she is perfect...6 toes and all!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that she is doing so well!! Nicholas isnt even on the charts so the 3rd percentile seems huge to us ;-) Maybe its her awesome cheeks that make her seem bigger--Glad that she is such a healthy little peanut!


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